great circle sailing - перевод на русский
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great circle sailing - перевод на русский

Orthodrome; Great Circle; Great Circle Route; Great circle, terrestrial; Great circles; Great-circle; Great Circle Mapper; Great disk
  • A great circle divides the sphere in two equal hemispheres.
Найдено результатов: 1693
great circle sailing      
плавание по дуге большого круга
great circle         


морской термин

большой круг

  • Austronesian vessel]] with [[outrigger]]s and a [[fore-and-aft]] sail
  • lateen rig]]
  • A carved stone relief panel showing a [[Borobudur ship]] (Austronesian) from 8th century [[Java]], depicted with [[outrigger]]s and fore-and-aft [[tanja sail]]s
  • 1848}}
  • Diagram contrasting course made good to windward by tacking a schooner versus a square-rigged ship.
  • [[Schooner]]s became favored for some coast-wise commerce after 1850—they enabled a small crew to handle sails.
  • 1798 sea battle between a French and British [[man-of-war]]
  • Sailing ship at sea, rolling and heeled over from the force of the wind on its sails.
  • The marine [[sextant]] is used to measure the elevation of celestial bodies above the horizon.
  • Victoria]]'', which completed the first global circumnavigation.
  • ship]]
  • 2}} was the largest sailing ship ever built.
  • Seamen aloft, shortening sail
  • Roman warship with sails, oars, and a steering oar
  • Hull form lines, lengthwise and in cross-section from a 1781 plan
Sailing vessel; Sailing ships; Sailing craft; Sail ship; S/v; Sail ships; Sailship; Sail-ship; Sailing-ship; Sailingship; Automated sailing ships; Sailships; Autonomous sailing ship; Automated sailing; Self-sailing ship; Sailing vessels
sailing-ship noun парусное судно, парусник
  • Austronesian vessel]] with [[outrigger]]s and a [[fore-and-aft]] sail
  • lateen rig]]
  • A carved stone relief panel showing a [[Borobudur ship]] (Austronesian) from 8th century [[Java]], depicted with [[outrigger]]s and fore-and-aft [[tanja sail]]s
  • 1848}}
  • Diagram contrasting course made good to windward by tacking a schooner versus a square-rigged ship.
  • [[Schooner]]s became favored for some coast-wise commerce after 1850—they enabled a small crew to handle sails.
  • 1798 sea battle between a French and British [[man-of-war]]
  • Sailing ship at sea, rolling and heeled over from the force of the wind on its sails.
  • The marine [[sextant]] is used to measure the elevation of celestial bodies above the horizon.
  • Victoria]]'', which completed the first global circumnavigation.
  • ship]]
  • 2}} was the largest sailing ship ever built.
  • Seamen aloft, shortening sail
  • Roman warship with sails, oars, and a steering oar
  • Hull form lines, lengthwise and in cross-section from a 1781 plan
Sailing vessel; Sailing ships; Sailing craft; Sail ship; S/v; Sail ships; Sailship; Sail-ship; Sailing-ship; Sailingship; Automated sailing ships; Sailships; Autonomous sailing ship; Automated sailing; Self-sailing ship; Sailing vessels



общая лексика

парусное судно


парусное судно, парусник

sailing ship         
  • Austronesian vessel]] with [[outrigger]]s and a [[fore-and-aft]] sail
  • lateen rig]]
  • A carved stone relief panel showing a [[Borobudur ship]] (Austronesian) from 8th century [[Java]], depicted with [[outrigger]]s and fore-and-aft [[tanja sail]]s
  • 1848}}
  • Diagram contrasting course made good to windward by tacking a schooner versus a square-rigged ship.
  • [[Schooner]]s became favored for some coast-wise commerce after 1850—they enabled a small crew to handle sails.
  • 1798 sea battle between a French and British [[man-of-war]]
  • Sailing ship at sea, rolling and heeled over from the force of the wind on its sails.
  • The marine [[sextant]] is used to measure the elevation of celestial bodies above the horizon.
  • Victoria]]'', which completed the first global circumnavigation.
  • ship]]
  • 2}} was the largest sailing ship ever built.
  • Seamen aloft, shortening sail
  • Roman warship with sails, oars, and a steering oar
  • Hull form lines, lengthwise and in cross-section from a 1781 plan
Sailing vessel; Sailing ships; Sailing craft; Sail ship; S/v; Sail ships; Sailship; Sail-ship; Sailing-ship; Sailingship; Automated sailing ships; Sailships; Autonomous sailing ship; Automated sailing; Self-sailing ship; Sailing vessels
sailing vessel         
  • Austronesian vessel]] with [[outrigger]]s and a [[fore-and-aft]] sail
  • lateen rig]]
  • A carved stone relief panel showing a [[Borobudur ship]] (Austronesian) from 8th century [[Java]], depicted with [[outrigger]]s and fore-and-aft [[tanja sail]]s
  • 1848}}
  • Diagram contrasting course made good to windward by tacking a schooner versus a square-rigged ship.
  • [[Schooner]]s became favored for some coast-wise commerce after 1850—they enabled a small crew to handle sails.
  • 1798 sea battle between a French and British [[man-of-war]]
  • Sailing ship at sea, rolling and heeled over from the force of the wind on its sails.
  • The marine [[sextant]] is used to measure the elevation of celestial bodies above the horizon.
  • Victoria]]'', which completed the first global circumnavigation.
  • ship]]
  • 2}} was the largest sailing ship ever built.
  • Seamen aloft, shortening sail
  • Roman warship with sails, oars, and a steering oar
  • Hull form lines, lengthwise and in cross-section from a 1781 plan
Sailing vessel; Sailing ships; Sailing craft; Sail ship; S/v; Sail ships; Sailship; Sail-ship; Sailing-ship; Sailingship; Automated sailing ships; Sailships; Autonomous sailing ship; Automated sailing; Self-sailing ship; Sailing vessels
парусное судно
sailing craft         
  • Austronesian vessel]] with [[outrigger]]s and a [[fore-and-aft]] sail
  • lateen rig]]
  • A carved stone relief panel showing a [[Borobudur ship]] (Austronesian) from 8th century [[Java]], depicted with [[outrigger]]s and fore-and-aft [[tanja sail]]s
  • 1848}}
  • Diagram contrasting course made good to windward by tacking a schooner versus a square-rigged ship.
  • [[Schooner]]s became favored for some coast-wise commerce after 1850—they enabled a small crew to handle sails.
  • 1798 sea battle between a French and British [[man-of-war]]
  • Sailing ship at sea, rolling and heeled over from the force of the wind on its sails.
  • The marine [[sextant]] is used to measure the elevation of celestial bodies above the horizon.
  • Victoria]]'', which completed the first global circumnavigation.
  • ship]]
  • 2}} was the largest sailing ship ever built.
  • Seamen aloft, shortening sail
  • Roman warship with sails, oars, and a steering oar
  • Hull form lines, lengthwise and in cross-section from a 1781 plan
Sailing vessel; Sailing ships; Sailing craft; Sail ship; S/v; Sail ships; Sailship; Sail-ship; Sailing-ship; Sailingship; Automated sailing ships; Sailships; Autonomous sailing ship; Automated sailing; Self-sailing ship; Sailing vessels
director circle         
Fermat–Apollonius circle; Fermat-Apollonius circle; Director Circle


окружность направляющая

spherical distance         
  • An illustration of the central angle, Δσ, between two points, P and Q. λ and φ are the longitudinal and latitudinal angles of P respectively
Spherical distance; Great circle distance; Orthodromic distance; Distance between two points on the globe; Spherical range


расстояние по большому кругу

расстояние по геодезической линии на сфере

сферическое расстояние

inner circle         
The inner circle; The Inner circle; The inner Circle; The Inner Circle (movie); The inner circle (film); The Inner Circle (film); Inner circle (disambiguation); Inner Circle; Inner Circle (disambiguation); The Inner Circle; The Inner Circle (novel)


общая лексика

узкий кружок


Большой Бассейн
(Great Basin)

нагорье в Кордильерах Северной Америки, на З. США. Объединяет территории, расположенные между хребтом Сьерра-Невада и Каскадными горами на З. и Скалистыми горами на В. и не имеющие стока в океан. Площадь более 500 тыс. км2. Состоит из множества коротких хребтов (высотой до 3900 м) и обширных, соединённых между собой котловин (бассейнов). Рельеф сформировался на докембрийско-мезозойском складчатом фундаменте, подвергшемся сбросовым дислокациям в кайнозое. Эти движения сопровождались вулканической деятельностью. Большинство котловин тектонического происхождения; разделяющие их хребты - горстовые глыбы. Отсутствие внешнего стока и выноса продуктов разрушения хребтов привело к заполнению котловин мощной толщей каменистых и песчано-глинистых отложений, которые частично погребли первичный горный рельеф. Климат резко континентальный, на большей части субтропический, на С. - умеренный. Лето жаркое, безоблачное, зима прохладная, с частыми туманами. Средняя температура июля 20-22°С (максимальная 56,7°С), января 0-2°С (минимальная -30°С, в горах до -60°С). Годовое количество осадков в среднем около 200 мм, в отдельных котловинах менее 100 мм, на западных склонах гор до 500 мм. Большая часть Б. Б. орошается короткими эпизодическими (преимущественно зимними) водотоками, заканчивающимися в котловинах. Главная река - Гумбольдт. Наиболее крупные озёра: Большое Солёное озеро, Пирамид, Севир, Юта. Большинство озёр сохранилось на месте более крупных водоёмов, существовавших в плейстоцене, - Бонневилл и др. Важный источник орошения - артезианские колодцы, располагающиеся чаще всего в окраинных частях котловин. Наиболее распространённые почвы - бурые, серозёмы, солончаки и солонцы (в котловинах), горно-коричневые (в горах). Большая часть территории занята полупустынями, на С. (к С. от 37° с. ш.) - злаково-полынными и лебедовыми, на Ю. - креозотовыми с участием кактусов и агав. Более увлажнённые склоны гор покрыты сосново-можжевёловым криволесьем. Среди животных наиболее распространены пресмыкающиеся, в том числе гремучие змеи, ящерицы ядозуб и фринозомы. На орошаемых площадях - земледелие.

Г. М. Игнатьев.


Great circle

In mathematics, a great circle or orthodrome is the circular intersection of a sphere and a plane passing through the sphere's center point.

Any arc of a great circle is a geodesic of the sphere, so that great circles in spherical geometry are the natural analog of straight lines in Euclidean space. For any pair of distinct non-antipodal points on the sphere, there is a unique great circle passing through both. (Every great circle through any point also passes through its antipodal point, so there are infinitely many great circles through two antipodal points.) The shorter of the two great-circle arcs between two distinct points on the sphere is called the minor arc, and is the shortest surface-path between them. Its arc length is the great-circle distance between the points (the intrinsic distance on a sphere), and is proportional to the measure of the central angle formed by the two points and the center of the sphere.

A great circle is the largest circle that can be drawn on any given sphere. Any diameter of any great circle coincides with a diameter of the sphere, and therefore every great circle is concentric with the sphere and shares the same radius. Any other circle of the sphere is called a small circle, and is the intersection of the sphere with a plane not passing through its center. Small circles are the spherical-geometry analog of circles in Euclidean space.

Every circle in Euclidean 3-space is a great circle of exactly one sphere.

The disk bounded by a great circle is called a great disk: it is the intersection of a ball and a plane passing through its center. In higher dimensions, the great circles on the n-sphere are the intersection of the n-sphere with 2-planes that pass through the origin in the Euclidean space Rn + 1.

Как переводится great circle sailing на Русский язык